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UPDATE (2-27-17): Bill Paxton Month

Hey everyone. First off, I want to say that I am simply appalled at the positive feedback I’ve gotten so far. I know not a lot of people know about this, and this site is only in its infancy, but I’m genuinely happy that we already have people enjoying the content so far. Thank you.

On a sad note, 2016 has been proven to not be a mistake afterall, with 2017 already being cruel and unforgiving. A more recent example of this is the passing of actor Bill Paxton at the mere age of 61. In his memory, I declare March as Bill Paxton month, where I will review the most prominent entries in his filmography from most recent to least. From a high-point to another high-point. From Nightcrawler to The Terminator. If you have only now heard of Paxton, then I highly advise you watch his movies as I review them. He managed to quietly put together a rather impressive filmography, that has some must-watches included. The most notable of these is James Cameron’s Aliens, which is also has the role he is most commonly known for. (Game over man, game over!)

As far as my other plans on this site, I have my Throne of Blood review coming soon, which is difficult seeing how everyone has dissected the film to death already (and rightfully so). I also think I’ll review Ridley Scott’s Alien before reviewing Aliens, and then I’ll review all of the other entries in the franchise leading up to Alien: Covenant.

That’s all of the main immediate plans for the site right now. In future, expect album reviews, blogs on where I’m living/visiting, analyses, and, most of all, expect movies.

Thanks everyone. I hope that this site eventually becomes something.

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